Past Programmes 

Delegations for Dialogue has organised a total of 13 programmes since July 2015, engaging 175 students, academics and professors in informed dialogue on a wide-range of topics. A summary of each programme can be found below.

The Middle East



   "An Independent Kurdistan?" 2017        

An Independent Kurdistan? was a fact-finding programme exploring the  the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Iraq's Kurdish Autonomous Region in the lead up to September 2017's independence referendum.  A total of 18 delegates gathered in Erbil and were able to engage in dialogue with representatives from all of the region’s political parties at the Kurdistan Parliament and including a two-hour meeting with President Masoud Barzani.


Southeast Asia


CrossRoads Ahead  2016  

With Myanmar's first elected civilian government in 50 years preparing to be ushered in, the Crossroads Ahead programme was a fact-finding programme structured to engage with a diverse cross-section of society; from local university students and academics to expats, NGO staff and media outlets. The delegation visited Yangon and the ancient city of Bagan with the aim of understanding the most important issues facing the country at this historic crossroad.



    "The Other Refugee Crisis" 2016        

The Other Refugee Crisis was a fact-finding programme exploring the refugee situation in one of the world's most complicated political systems. A total of six delegates gathered in Beirut before making visits to a number of refugee camps. Meetings were also established with representatives from political parties and a number of important social activists. 


Eastern Europe




In June 2019, following Moldova’s constitutional crisis, Delegations for Dialogue returned to Moldova with fact-finding delegation to assess recent developments and to explore the political, economic and cultural challenges stemming from the Transnistrian conflict. Delegates attended meetings in both Chisinau and Tiraspol. A research report was produced summarising the delegations findings and is available for download here.

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the Cultural Heritage Symposium 2016

The Cultural Heritage Symposium included round-tables and lectures with local Iranian artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, journalists, professors and mullahs with the core objective to achieve a deeper understanding of Iranian cultural history. A total of nine Delegates travelled to Teheran, Qom, Isfahan and Shiraz. Several exchange opportunities were facilitated with high school students in Isfahan and university students in Shiraz. 



Development under a "frozen conflict" 2017

In November 2017 Delegations for Dialogue's SOAS Society organised a short fact-finding programme titled Development under a frozen conflict  in Chisinau and Tiraspol. Delegates met with a range of Moldovan and Transnistrian governmental and non-governmental representatives to learn more about the the developmental issues prevailing in the unique, unrecognised state of Transnistria.  




Korea (DPRK and ROK)

Sports and Diplomacy Delegations for Dialogue

Sports & Diplomacy 2018

The Sports & Diplomacy Delegation (2018), taking place just weeks after the historic Pyeonchang Winter Olympics 2018,  consisted of 10 delegates seeking to study the unique role sports can play in diplomacy. Following meetings in Beijing, the delegation travelled to Pyongyang where they met with students at the Pyongyang University of Foreign studies. Additional sports activities were organised including a football match at the Pyongyang Football Academy. Delegates also took part in the annual Pyongyang Marathon.

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Sports & Diplomacy 2016

Sports & Diplomacy (2016) was the first of Delegations for Dialogue's Sports programmes. A total of 18 student runners joined  the week-long programme which included participating in the Pyongyang Marathon. Delegates also joined in a mixed football match with the DPRK youth football team and had several exchange opportunities with DPRK school students. 

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The Summer Symposium 2015

Delegations for Dialogue's inaugural programme studied examples of state and non-state engagement with one of the the DPRK. A diverse group of 11 delegations, representing 10 nationalities, gathered first in Beijing for several days of roundtable discussions before making a weeklong visit to several cities in North Korea.


Trade & investment INSIGHTS 2016

Trade and Investment Insights was a fact-finding programme focusing on the economic development angle of the 'Byungjin Policy' and aimed to explore the role international trade and foreign investment would play in the DPRK's future development. Delegates visited the Pyongyang International Autumn Trade Fair,  before heading to the Special Economic Zone of Rason in the Northeast of the Country where the met with local trade officials and visited several factories.

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    The Two Koreas        2016

The Two Koreas programme was a travelling symposium exploring the issues surrounding the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula. 12 Delegates gathered first in in Seoul where they met with groups of university students, think tanks and academics. The delegation then travelled onwards to Pyongyang for a series of visits via a brief stopover in China.


The Summer SYmposium 2016

The Summer Symposium (2016) aimed to explore the nuances behind the DPRK's 'Byungjin Policy' with a focus on the advancements of the DPRK's science and technological capabilities.  Delegates engaged in two days of prepatory meetings in Beijing. While in Pyongyang delegates visited the newly opened Sci-Tech Complex. The symposium concluded with a series of discussions with students at Seoul National University.


The Autumn Symposium 2015

The Autumn Symposium 2015 was a travelling symposium focused on studying the most recent trends in economic development within the DPRK. The programme engaged with several key business people who have paved the way for business cooperation in the country. The 18 delegates were also invited to attend the Pyongyang International Autumn Trade Fair and made visits to a number of newly established businesses in Pyongyang.